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TLWM Market Updates
Weekly Market Commentary
Submitted by TLWM Financial on July 5th, 2016Weekly Market Commentary
Submitted by TLWM Financial on June 27th, 2016The Markets
SURPRISE! Britain is leaving the European Union (EU) after 40 years of membership.
Last Thursday, almost three-fourths of voters in Britain – about 30 million people, according to the BBC – cast ballots to determine whether the United Kingdom would remain in the EU. By a slim margin, the British people opted out.
Weekly Market Commentary
Submitted by TLWM Financial on June 20th, 2016Weekly Market Commentary
Submitted by TLWM Financial on June 13th, 2016The Markets
The British may be leaving. The British may be leaving.
Last week, the interest rate on 10-year U.S. Treasuries dropped to levels last seen in 2013. Why, you may ask, would bond yields move lower when Federal Reserve policy is to push interest rates higher? The answer can be found across the pond.
Weekly Market Commentary
Submitted by TLWM Financial on June 6th, 2016The Markets
Statistics means never having to say your certain, and that was certainly true last week.
The employment report, which was released on Friday, was a bit short on jobs. Analysts had predicted employers would add about 162,000 new jobs during May, according to CNBC. Instead, a paltry 38,000 jobs added to payrolls.
Weekly Market Commentary
Submitted by TLWM Financial on May 31st, 2016Weekly Market Commentary
Submitted by TLWM Financial on May 23rd, 2016The Markets
A mobile trivia game maker recently assessed the playing habits of Americans and identified the most popular topics by state. As it turns out, Alabamians like college football questions, Alaskans like queries about U.S. states, Rhode Island natives prefer inquiries about the human body, and Wisconsinites love their Green Bay Packers.